Deberes de los Asistentes


Deberes de los Asistentes
por Vanessa Kasal Kunze

¿No está seguro de cuáles son exactamente los deberes de los Asistentes? Afortunadamente esta lista de deberes lo ayudará. Por favor note que en esta lista no está todo incluido y algunos deberes pueden ser compartidos entre otros asistentes.


  • Generally responsible for own gown and accessories
  • Helps arrange bridal shower and acts as host
  • Keeps a record of shower and wedding gifts for the bride
  • Acts as official witness
  • Helps calm the bride’s nerves
  • Rearranges train before the processional, during the ceremony, and before the recessional
  • Holds bride’s bouquet (and possibly gloves) during ceremony
  • Takes cares of the bride’s things at the ceremony and reception
  • Assists the bride when changing from her wedding gown to her going-away apparel
  • Attends the rehearsal
  • Attend as member of the receiving line and head table
  • Assist with decorating reception room
  • Assits bride with bustle of her dress after the ceremony


  • Generally responsible for their own gowns
  • Assist with bridal shower planning
  • Helps put together reception favors
  • Fill cups with confetti, rice, or rose petals to throw for the getaway
  • Decorate the cars
  • Attends the rehearsal
  • Attend as members of the receiving line and head table
  • Assist with decorating reception room


  • Responsible for tuxedo
  • Pays the officiant and other vendors
  • In charge of groom arriving on time
  • Gives toast at ceremony and reception
  • Keeps rings, license, and honeymoon tickets in a safe place
  • Plans for reception exit transportation
  • Attends the rehearsal
  • Attend as member of the receiving line and head table
  • Assist with decorating reception room


  • Assists the Best Man with any of his duties as needed
  • Attends the rehearsal
  • Attend as member of the receiving line and head table
  • Assist with decorating reception room


  • Responsable por su propio traje
  • Envuelto en todas las festividades de la ceremonia
  • Greet all guests at the ceremony, ask which family they represent and seat them accordingly. Bride’s family and friends sit on the left of the aisle and the groom’s on the right
  • Usualmente dos de los ujieres desenrollan el corredor del pasillo después de que la madre de la novia se sienta


  • Usualmente un niña pequeña menor de 7 años
  • Precede a la novia, tirando pétalos de papel o pétalos de flores frescas a través del pasillo hacia el altar


  • Usualmente un niño pequeño menor de 7 años
  • Camina por el pasillo llevando el anillo o un sustituto asegurado a una almohadilla de satén.